

Platzhalter-Bild Platzhalter-Bild Platzhalter-Bild

Engineers International Corporation

Incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania U.S.A. No. 63.20 – 1210

on June 26th 1963

The Corporation when formed in 1963 by USA Nationals had the objective of initiating connections between USA suppliers of production “Know how” plus appropriate machine & worker training and non-USA parties who desired to establish similar production in their own countries. The Corporations early involvement was in the making of introductions and production of studies which has later led to an extended activity of a full involvement in the physical establishment of a production facility including the provision of both capital and working financing.

The Corporation today describes itself as Project Directors and includes Joint Ventures as part of its normal activity. The President believes that the Corporation now has opportunities to further extend itself into undertaking much larger projects especially in the activity of joint ventures thus resulting in a substantial increase in its earnings through investment holdings.


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